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Sometimes You Have To Be Your Own Hero

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By Jennifer Millette, LCSW

More and more people are feeling stress every day, especially with busy times like holidays, family get-togethers or important work functions. There are many ways to reduce your stress right now, take care of yourself and become your own hero in the process.

5 quick ways to be your own stress-busting hero today:

  1. Build some wiggle room into your day.  Leave for appointments or functions 5-10 minutes earlier, it makes a huge difference.
  2. Pause before speaking.  This gives you time to take a breath and think about what you are saying before you say it.
  3. Segment your day. Rather than being overwhelmed thinking of the entire day you have planned out, focus only on the one immediate segment or activity.
  4. Be open to new ideas.  Next time you are about to automatically say no to trying something new, ask yourself why you’re doing so.  Is it because it truly isn’t going to serve you, or is it just a reflex?
  5. Use the force.  Prana, or qi, is the life force that flows within us, connected to our breath.  When being mindful and focusing on your breath, it gives you the power to stay steady and focused to do whatever needs to be done. Learn more about Prana here.

Use these great quick tips to help you reduce stress now. You can be your own hero by taking care of yourself.  Schedule a visit with Counseling Works today for more useful information on ways to take control of your stress!


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