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Shifting Perceptions

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One of our core values here at Counseling Works is the importance of transparency in our lives. Being transparent about your views, opinions, and experiences allows others to relate and will enable you to support and receive support.

Here at Counseling Works, we work with the aim of shifting perceptions. The societal perception of mental health needs to change, and we aim to work on changing these perceptions.

If someone is struggling with their mental health, it doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with them, or that they are weak. It is a sign that something in their life needs to shift and transform to allow them the space to regain their mental wellness.

By doing the work we do, Counseling Works aims to shift the perception that people seek therapy because they are unmotivated. We know first-hand that people seek therapy with the awareness and intention of improving their life, and therapy provides them with a practical model to do so.

Therapy allows individuals to build new skills and move forward with their lives. It’s like getting a little helping hand along the way, and everyone needs a bit of help once in a while.

If you want to help us in our mission to change perceptions, then here are some points that you can share to raise awareness for mental health:

  • Approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. (that’s 46.6 million) experience mental illness in a given year
  • Only 41% of adults in the U.S. with a mental health condition received mental health services in the past year
  • African Americans and Hispanic Americans each use mental health services at about half the rate of Caucasian Americans, and Asian Americans at about one-third the rate

Raise awareness for mental health to help us change perceptions.

Remember, professional help is always available if you need it. If you need more information, call now and schedule an appointment. There is hope, and things can change for the better.


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