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Teens & Tweens

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Therapy for Teens & Tweens

Growing Up is Hard to Do – But We Can Help

Teens and tweens today face many unique struggles and stressors. Adolescence is a time when young adults simultaneously go through a variety of hormonal, emotional, and social changes as they mature in a rapidly changing world. Our Counseling Works approach for teens is tailored around the specific obstacles faced by young adults as they experience anxiety, depression, self-esteem issues as well as having to navigate conflicts with peers and withstand bullying. Counseling Works strives to provide an emotionally safe environment for your child to explore their feelings, relationships, and learn healthy coping techniques as they navigate through the struggles of adolescence.

Why Teens & Tweens Visit Us for Counseling

There are many reasons why your teen or tween might want to visit with a therapist at Counseling Works. We have clinicians who have specialized training to help young people who are still developing their identities and going through a lot of big emotional, mental, and physical changes. It’s a challenging time for all of us, and your child doesn’t have to navigate this difficult part of life alone. You may want to talk to your teen or tween about counseling if you notice any of the following:

  • Academic or behavioral problems at school
  • Sudden engagement in seemingly age-inappropriate behaviors (promiscuity, dressing inappropriately, etc.)
  • Self-isolation or withdrawal from family, friends, and activities they used to enjoy
  • A complete change in their friend group
  • Changes in eating habits (too much or too little)
  • Changes in sleeping patterns (too much or too little)
  • Seeming dependence on video games, cellphones, or other electronic devices
  • Poor body image, low self-esteem, self-harm and other concerns related to a negative view of themselves
  • Lying or sneaking around
  • Consuming alcohol or drugs
  • Breaking rules, committing crimes, or otherwise engaging in illegal or immoral acts
  • Suicidal thoughts, planning, or attempts

How Counseling for Teens & Tweens Helps

When a teen or tween visits with one of our clinicians who specializes in therapy for this age group, they will have the opportunity to talk through their difficult thoughts or life changes, discuss trouble they may be experiencing at home or in other settings, and express some of the big emotions that are impacting them. During therapy sessions, a therapist at Counseling Works assists adolescents with:

  • Exploring common emotional aspects of teen life today in a safe and supportive environment
  • Addressing and learning healthy coping skills for feelings of depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem
  • Becoming better equipped to recognize and deal with conflicts within family relationships, friends, or within an academic environment
  • Cultivating a positive perception
  • Learning skills fundamental to healthy relationships in order to assist with social rejection or self-isolation

Ready to Accept Who You Are Now & Love Who You’re Going to Become?

If you’re a teen (or the parent of a teen) struggling to cope with anxiety, self-esteem, depression, or more, contact us about our teen therapy services at Counseling Works.

Our Therapists Who Work with Teens


What Our Clients Say


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